On June 15-17, 2018 took place “The Festival of Israeli Dance and Culture – Polin Rokedet” organized by Living Bridge Foundation in cooperation with Strefa Dialogu Foundation and Sport Plus Association Israeli Embassy in Poland with the financial support of the Dutch Humanitarian Fund.
The main part of the Festival constituted with the Israeli and Jewish dance workshops, led by Oren Ashkenazi, Michael Barzilay and Ilai Spierzak. Classes were held on three levels of advancement so that everyone could find the right group.
In addition, there was a number of activities aimed at bringing the Israeli and Jewish culture closer to the participants, inspirational for discussion as well as enabling to make new friends. Proposed activities included artistic, culinary and language workshops, workshops of Jewish and Israeli songs, screening of the film “Loving Leah” with discussion, lecture and workshop on the Sabbath traditions and Cafe Rokedet.
Almost 150 participants from all
around the world participated in the Festival. They represented Poland, Israel,
France, Estonia, USA, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Great Britain, Finland,
Australia, Russia.
Thank you all for the great atmosphere, constant support and your enthusiasm! looking forward to see you next year 😊
Fundacja Żywy Most by Nikarto Artur Olędzki 2020